If that’s not your thing, then don’t get too invested until you’ve played long enough to decide if you really really like it. Personally that makes grinding for gold a lot easier, but not everyone’s a fan of grinding.

Extremely similar styled maps, same goal, and it’s actually more challenging in PvP than the “story mode” because you just know what to expect. The only downside is that it IS very repetitive. Gold starts getting harder to come by the longer you play, which isn’t so bad since it’s easy to get more trap duplicates and keys. Plus you get rewarded for watching just a few ads in the daily quests, so it’s definitely worth it. And there’s PLENTY of opportunities to increase your earnings. You can either double/triple/etc your rewards/earnings, or not. I LOVE that there isn’t a single forced ad in this game. For any new players, don’t forget to upgrade your mercenaries before battle if you want a chance to win, because they’re not remotely fit to fight against anyone’s traps at low low levels. It’s pretty straightforward how you might succeed.

Have a question or want to contact me? Check out Sly Flourish's Frequently Asked Questions.I’m no expert strategist, but there hasn’t been a PvP battle so far where I feel like the other player has too much of an advantage.

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